. tick tock .

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Monday, January 31, 2011

happy mode

January started out with so much disappointment..but it was cured by having such a great family and fiancé.Alhamdulillah, finally the decision has been made.. looking forward to it and da boleh start verangan.. hehe
I feel like I'm the luckiest person in the world right now! nak tahu apa dia?? Wait till my next entry k. nak g sambung verangan =)

1 comment:

Bibi Intan Suraya said...

arlynn, bukan kbb takmau jual...tapi kbb prefer org bgtau nak apa, tthen kbb carikan..nakl longchamp ekk? cni banyakk...harga around 50-70GBP depend on size...kbb taktahu harga kat msia berapa..kalo nak just let me know ok ;)