. tick tock .

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Monday, November 29, 2010


Im meeting with Fad Manaf tomorrow! Wheeeeee. Hopefully ada jodoh dgn Fad. hehe. Coz i really really adore him and his package is within my budget. I suka his angles and the fact that he doesn't really edit a person's face that much therefore the pictures nampak natural but contemporary. Seriously, I was torn between him and Bak. Bak pon i sukeee jugak. I can't share his photo here because his blog is under construction. Haa..ada lagi satu yang i suke - Kudegraphy but he is not available on our big day plus his package is beyond my budget. Let me share some of Fad's superb photos.

Ada banyakkkkkk lagi beautiful peektures at his blog. Check it out ;) -> Fad Manaf


kak maz said...

alyn.. excited kann??.. teringat zaman kak maz dolu-dolu masa nak kawen.. tak boleh berhenti berfikir pasal preparation sume..

enjoy ur sweet journey to marriage... semoga selamat semuanya.. :-)

ar3lynn said...

kak maz! lama tak dgr cite. hehe.. mmg excited tiap2 hari pk.hopefully sume ok. InsyaAllah ;)